Monday, January 18, 2016

What Makes You, You?

   When we say : " This is who I'm " , and 10 years later we say the exact sentence.
Are we really the same or did we change?!

   The more difficult question is : Do people really change? If  yes, why so many of us don't give second chances and we utter the words " NOBODY CHANGES ".

   In my very humble opinion, people do change and based on my personal experience I can assure you I did and I've been changing for years without even noticing that I'm. I used to say " This is who I'm so don't try to change me " to anyone who would ask me to do something I didn't want to do at the time, of course I didn't know it then, but I do now.

   It took me a while to answer the question: " What makes me, me ? " Figuring out who I'm and why I'm the way I'm, is still an ongoing process because I realized that what makes a person him/herself is a combination of ( Genes, upbringing, habits, traditions, education and circumstances) among other things for sure but I think this combo sums it up; the genes, the way you were raised, your education are all in your past and done already but traditions , habits and circumstances can obviously change. 

   So again- and bare with me here please- when we say " This is who I'm " do we mean this is who we are now or generally ? We don't notice it but I think it usually means now, because we don't often admit to ourselves that we have changed. Let's think of it as an evolution rather than a change, human kind is in a constant state of transformation since Adam & Eve. We evolve physically just as we evolve emotionally and we are affected by our surroundings just like everything else sharing this universe with us, is.

   Take me for example, I used to be so sure about my future. I had it all figured out and I made up my mind about never being a housewife, never giving up on my career. The very idea of being a stay at home mother freaked me out and don't let me even start about the fear of getting married; yet here I'm married at 25, moved to a different country, quit my job and stayed home.

   Now adaptation is key.You need to adapt to your new set-up, and once that is accomplished change is going to be so gradual that you wont even feel it happening and only when people around you start telling you how much you have changed, it will sink in. 

   What really happens, or at least what I think happens is that when you grow up and start dealing with life year after year; you start to see things from a new perspective not a correct one per se, just one that is new to you. Some things will remain the same, for instance a person who is secretive will never be communicative or someone who is stingy will never be generous. These things are in our nature but things like political views, religious believes, likes and dislikes can change in a heartbeat.

   I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't think that who you are today is who you were yesterday and who you will be tomorrow. Give yourself the chance to explore new opportunities, to explore your capabilities and most importantly to explore life.


  1. Bravo ma fille. Better that last time. Objective of the essay is quite clear.
    Keep on writing. It helps you as well us us.

  2. Change is the only constant :)
    I love it, thank you.

  3. people attitude changes yours as well, environment and the people u r dealing with have a great impact on your life and can change u without noticing it

  4. The only constant thing is change..! I admit I did too... But it's really important when we let change evolves who we are, to remember what we really don't want to change... Which would mainly be a white heart, good manners and religion... :)
    Very thoughtful ya Dou

  5. Soft and straight to the heart...
    Enjoy your adventure darling :*

  6. So true and touchy. I am always thinking as same as you :) "change is the only constant". The important thing is how we handle the situation, that makes us who we are, i guess.

  7. Thank you all for your encouragement, and I'm so glad you agree with me ��

  8. Thank you all for your encouragement, and I'm so glad you agree with me ��

  9. Maybe am not partially with u in this Nadia, People doesn’t change they just react .. yes and the reaction is different from one to another because of your personality.
    If u r asking , what makes u, u ? so the answer would be your personality… your true color if we can say. And how can we explore our personality? Situations! By monitoring how we do react through the situations we face. It’s like chemistry, Sodium and Salt react totally different when they meet water!
    Maybe the real question, does the personality evolve … yes it’s an equation with lots of variables and we can never predict if the situation we live will vary in the equation in a good or bad way .. maybe that’s why we always say : this is me and I won’t change ? even this sentence is actually a reaction coming from ur personality. Also Adaptation means change in person behavior , again we can’t say in a good or a bad way.
    And it takes years to build a personality as u said (Genes, Environment, Raise, Education, Experience…etc) … it evolves fast first then the curve start to be constant. And it’s really like the melted metal by time u can’t change it easily.
    Now let’s consider me as Nadia before the change and here am not judging am exploring u more or maybe searching in me, before ur personality had fear about being a housewife and leaving work. How did u deal with this fear ? I mean u resolved all the problems that created this fear. If am talking about Dina, it’s hard to deal with this particular fear, because we are here dealing with future and future is in Allah hand . From my point of view, we are building a career to explore our capabilities , find new tools to face the future, having a constant income and gain new skills by communicating with different minds.
    Being a housewife today is really difficult than before, I wish u can help us to explore this new era in ur life and how u r planning to deal with it.
    Everyone can compromise but to a certain limit that will keep him/her ready for the next situation !
