Most people spend their lifetime waiting for something to happen, but what are they waiting for exactly?
I took the liberty of contemplating the society I live in, and not much to my surprise I found them all waiting too. I don't know when or how it all started, but let me give you a quick explanation of how I think it began.
Let's imagine the life of a Girl before and after she is born, it may sound a bit confusing and it actually is, so be patient.
Step 1: The Girl's parents were waiting for her to be born, once she was born they waited for her to take her first steps, say her first word, etc..
Step 2: Waited for her first day at school, then her first day at college and then work, etc..
Now here is the tricky part, along the way the Girl started to realize that she exists and that she wants things in life, so she joined the waiting club.
Step 2.1: She couldn't wait to finish school and right after she started college, she wanted to graduate as fast as possible so that she can start working and earn her own money.
Step 2.2: She is now working; so the waiting starts for her knight in shining armor.
This step can take a few years, and all those years she would linger through life waiting. Whether it's for her long awaited partner or just a better job, she is in a standby mode and not fully operational. Just waiting for "that" thing to happen in order to be happy. Doesn't matter what it is, but to her, life is incomplete without it.
I can actually relate to all that. We all went through this phase when we just felt or still feeling this void inside, eating us up and making us miserable without even realizing that we are. And it's all because of this unconscious state of waiting which makes us too distracted to enjoy life.
Then, after the long years of waiting, something happens. The right person to fill the knight position comes along; the Girl gets married and she becomes a parent herself, but one who is on hold, because no baby is here yet and so the waiting begins AGAIN.
By now you would think that her parents stopped their waiting, but let me tell you, my friend, you are wrong. Because now, she is not the only one waiting. No no no the grandparents are also waiting for the Girl to be a Parent, for her baby to take his first steps and the list goes on. So basically, at this point Step 3 and Step 2.3 overlap, but with a new cycle this time, one for the grandchild.
See how confusing this is; it is an endless loop. People, you have got to stop with all the waiting and start living. Start enjoying what you have today rather than looking for what is missing and wait for it to happen.
Just be grateful you are alive. Be happy with what God bestowed upon you, your days are not all going to be butterflies and rainbows, I get that. But just try, try to live happily. So if you want to travel, don't wait up for someone to travel with you; do it on your own, it's fun and that is a fact, I know, I tried. And if you want to learn a new language, do it. Do whatever you want, whatever makes you happy just make sure nobody gets hurt in the process.
Anyway, I don't want to make it longer than I already did. What I finally want to say is that waiting is good, it is sort of exciting even sometimes, but don't let it consume you and make you forget to live. So a word of advice, don't postpone life until whatever you think will make you happy happens, make yourself happy. It really is not about the destination, but it sure is about the journey. So please, let's stop the horrific waiting cycle and start a brand new cycle of happily ever after with or without a knight.